Archive for September, 2015

Links II

September 21, 2015

PhD Comics is coming out with a sequel to their movie.

Untrusted is a cool game where you have to modify the javascript which creates each level in order to pass it. (progress is saved via a cookie in your browser).

Catches win matches. And Z-score’s Cricket Stats Blog is the only place I’ve seen to provide any statistics on the matter.

Spooky Inference and the Axiom of Choice by Matt Baker. Don’t forget to click through all the links he provides. Infinite hat problems are weird!

The AFL ladder. Yes I know the home and away season is behind us for another year. But this clean site looks like it may be my go-to for 2016.

Review: WeatherWoman (Movie)

September 20, 2015

Those of us above a certain age in Australia will remember a time when SBS did not have advertisments. These days, you even see English language movies on the national multicultural broadcaster, presumably as a result of increased commercial pressures. In ye olden times, however:

Movies were not in English. Often European, sometimes Asian (but never from Bollywood).

Ratings often contained the advisories: (s,n,a) (sex, nudity, adult themes). In practice: you see breasts.

The movies could be anywhere on the spectrum from arthouse classic to plain weird.

Where does WeatherWoman fit in this spectrum?

It is in Japanese.

You see breasts.

And it is squarely located in the weird end of the spectrum.

So what’s it about, you ask? Let me try to describe it without giving away too many spoilers.

There is a woman, who is presenting the weather on TV. While performing this job, she flashes her panties, live on TV.

Understood it so far? Well, that is the plot. And yes, it is somehow perfectly possible to make a feature length film with this plotline. OK sure, there are a few other scenes, such as the scene where you see breasts that I alluded to before, as well as an epic battle between the two alpha females at the end. But it’s the panties that drive the storyline.

It’s something that will go down in the annals of Japanese weather history.

I didn’t make up that last sentence by the way. This is a direct quote from the film.

One and a half stars. Because it will go down in the annals of Japanese weather history.

Review: YJ MoYu YuSu 4x4x4 for Speed Cubing Stickerless (with pink) (X-cube 4 Mechanism)

September 19, 2015

My old 4x4x4 cube from Mefferts (which will always have a special place in my heart as the first thing I ever bought online) no longer turns very well, and after recently experiencing the difference between my 4x4x4 and a high quality cube, I was motivated to score myself a replacement.

Hence, This cube was procured from the HKnow store.

Let me first be clear about what this cube is not:

It is not a cube for the serious speed-cubist. If you’re going to be playing with your cube a lot and/or want speed, then you want to get yourself a higher end cube.

The turning mechanism is perfectly adaquete for the purposes of recreationally solving the cube. As advertised there are no stickers so you don’t have to worry about the colours falling off. For me, the yellow and green colours are a little close for comfort but your colour perception may be different. Each side of the cube is 6cm long.

So if you are looking for a cube to recreationally solve a few times. Or to put on your mantlepiece to show off. And you’re a tightarse who doesn’t want to spend the extra money on a higher end model. Then this is the cube for you.

Would recommend.